making christmas

30 12 2009

Yes, once again, it’s been a while… but as you’ll be able to see December has been busy. Great excuse, I know. Anyhow, since the last post was all about concerts, why not start this one the same way… It’s true, I went to another concert and loved it. Zero 7 played at the beginning of the month and it was a delight, they were great, as was the crowd, haha.

But moving on… December = Christmas. And who doesn’t love that. We (being my roommates and I) decided to get a Christmas tree, by the time it was up and lights were on, it was a wee bit late and we were a wee bit giggly, hence we decided to make it a food tree. That’s right, only food ornaments (other than the lights and ribbon)… Turns out it’s highly entertaining that way. Who knew that candy canes, Christmas oranges (or clementines), popcorn balls, gingerbread men, and even a few chocolate ornaments would look great on a tree..? Come to find, we think they do. And here’s proof.

Next off, gingerbread houses. Also a delight. Needless to say it was a mess, but a good mess with brilliant results. Here’s a few images to give you the idea… And if we look uber-happy or slightly crazy, it can all be blamed on the massive amounts of sugar that went into the houses… as well as us.

More holiday festivities happened, but the next documented one (for me at least) was Christmas Eve. Back in the homeland of cold and frost, we had people over and food was needed. Now, who doesn’t love sugar cookies? We do and we made just a few.. But what started out as a joke of accidentally stretching a gingerbread woman’s neck and turned into an ethnic cookie event by the end of the evening. So there’s our little multicultural village, complete with a pirate and even an avatar man… More than anything, I think this is proof of a creative family (with a little crazy tossed in).

And there you have it. It was fun to get to do more holiday stuff than the past couple years… Christmas was good fun, nice to be back with most of the family (though we missed those that couldn’t make it). Hopefully I’ll be better at updating this blog, haha. I won’t even attempt to make that a New Year’s resolution, it’s bound to be broken…



3 responses

9 01 2010

meghannnnn! i love it, absolutely love it :)) i miss you so dear. i’m glad to hear your christmas was so fun and multiculturally aware. talk to you soon, yes, yes!

12 01 2010
Sarah Crooks

looks like you are having way too much fun without me! so what are your plans for this friday. Knowing you I bet something crazy is going on but we are having a family breakfast and crazy me volunteered to make crepes. You want to come? (it’s just in Kaysville) I know it’s random but I really just want to see you. It is hard for me to go too many places with Evie’s nap schedule etc. but my parents will be there to help so I will be free…sort of. If not then when will you be down here? I really miss you! and laughing with you! Plus…so random but I just got hired as my sisters wedding decorator. Wondering if you have any fun ideas? Since you are so great at designing things. I would call right now but Evelyn is napping which doesn’t happen all that much around here (so when she does I must be quiet as a mouse since the apartment is so small) and when she’s awake things get a little crazy! Anyway….hope this message finds you soon and I’ll try calling tonight after she’s gone to bed? Love ya!


25 01 2010
Ali Jarvis Carlile

Love the cookie people. So MUCH fun!

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